The Young Family and Young Couple Guide to Transport, Travel and Daily Commute
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Used cars are, well, used. Generally are less fuel efficient than new cars, have higher maintenance costs in terms of servicing, repairs and financing cost. However, they cost much less up-front.
Compact or Mini-Van
Fuel Economy
The obvious conclusion from this would be the larger the vehicle, the more fuel it will consume.
Think practical. Be practical … you can always get a nice roadster one day when your kids grow up, or you have the extra cash to splurge on an ‘extra’ car.
Car Pooling
This may seem a great idea for most people.
Even if you already have two cars, this will save you a huge amount of money. If you can sell one of your cars and just maintain one car, the savings would go much further.
Consider the following:
- Are the work places sufficiently close to each other?
- Are working hours similar?
- Alternate in filling up the petrol (fuel) tank?
- Who drives to and from work?
But before you jump into the car pooling bandwagon and sell of that second car of yours, think it through. You sleep with the same person, wake up with the same person, travel to and from work with the same person … the only time you have time to yourself is when you are at work.
Worth thinking it over, whether both sides of the young couple are comfortable with the arrangement. In any case, give it a trial before you sell that other car that you own.