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Fitting into a new extended family may not be an easy task. Even at the best of times, compromise and tact is needed or risk offending the monster-in-law. At the worst of times, nothing short of a diplomatic mission would save you – what did I tell you about commenting on lingerie fashion? No! No! Don’t even think about suggesting she use disposable panties! |
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Understanding |
Before taking any action, think through the problem. Ask yourself if it’s really worth the trouble or whether you could just forget about it. A trip to the local Mc Donalds or the mall with the kids will put things in perspective – well, it would if the suggestion is to anchor the kids to chairs!
Would you be able to pull this off if you wanted to?
An action plan doesn’t have to be as detailed as something out of a Rambo movie (you know, Sylvester Stallone … First Blood … Rambo 4 … argh, forget about it!). What it should is outline the when’s and where’s or the next time’s.
Confused? No need to be. It simply means that you should plan your replies and responses whenever the topic arises the next time. If the situation never again arises, good.
Confrontation is not a good idea, no matter what anyone says. Diplomatic approach is always the better option. When all else fails, keep your distance till things cool down. Start over, plan a diplomatic approach.
If you are determined to stick to your principle and way of life, you have to fight for it. Some people will make it hard for you and none from the opposing side will lift a finger to help.
Determination will see you through, assuming of course that it wasn’t a bird brained idea to proceed in the first place. When this happens, you can expect a whole new level of appreciation and respect.
Remember, you are not fighting them. You are just leading your own life in the way that you think is best.
That said ...
... always keep your cool. Be generous with the benefit of doubt; don’t follow the 10 percent rule … just throw in at least 20 percent. Most of the time, family interference will stem from non-malicious reasons – simple and honest.
Keep it that way.