The Young Family and Young Couple Guide to Money, Personal Finance and Financial Planning
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Resolving the conflicts of personal finances between young families is extremely important. At this point in the young couple’s careers, the salary difference may not yet be that great.
But remember, children need more attention as they grow up … the trade off for which is the career advancement of either parent.
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Either way a young couple decides to handle their finances, the most important consideration is that both partners agree and fully subscribe to the method. Financial rifts can build up over time and it is difficult to gauge when it might hit breaking point.
Always be open and honest, but not rude and condescending. When only one partner is in short term debt, it is a clear sign that family resources are not being utilised most efficiently.
Revisit your financial position regularly and sort out any problems or disagreements as they surface. At the very least, before embarking on any purchase that requires monthly commitments, list down your income and expenses. Include deductions such as taxation and pension funds – it is much better to over than to under-budget.